Women’s Wellness Hour #11 – October 20, 2021


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Cecilia talks about her life and shares her health story. Sinus infections hacks. Lyme disease.
Extremely painful periods. Hormonal issues. Helpful ideas.
If it runs in your family, it doesn’t mean you have to run with it. Working on your health. Tough choices.
Konvid quackzenes and possible ramifications. Health tips and stories. C-section.
Marie’s issues due to taking steroids. Painful periods for 40 years. Agonizing pain. Ginger, Vitamin D. Losing weight.
Bronchitis and ways of dealing with it. Konvid jabs and other jabs stories. Unwanted quackzenes. Marie’s health issues.
The situation in Wales. Bronchitis rescue packs. Thyroid issues.
You can’t mess up God’s work for you. Health stories. Lynne is a harp therapist.
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The Optimal Dose: Restore Your Health With the Power of Vitamin D3 – a book by Judson Sommerville
Dr. Lissa Rankin – Mind OVer Medicine Book
Period Repair Manual by Laura Briden
Taking Charge of your Fertility by Tony Weschler, MPH
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Dr. Ray Peat
Dr. Broda Barnes
Hypothyroidism: The Unsuspected Illness by Dr. Broda Barnes MD