Women’s Wellness Hour #10 – October 6, 2021

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What’s going on in Stephanie’s life. Moving to another state may not be easy. Negative effects of quackzenes.
Cancer stories. How did Stephanie wake up? Facebook stories.
Jessica still works at the hospital without the quackzene. Religious exemptions.
EHR Instagram & other Instagram stories. The bad stuff going on behind the scenes. Injections on TV.
Chickens and roosters. Learning to butcher. Living on a farm.
Native Americans. Going to a pow-wow. Mandatory quackzenes. Hospitals situation.
Carmen was a health coach. Changing your job. Konvid in Canada & Australia.
Ivermectin – can it be a final answer to the flu? Feeling safe in your house. Independence. Readiness to leave everything behind.
Lynne’s life and playing the harp.
Kate’s birthday. Childhood diseases. Konvid in Israel. Vibration therapy. Children wearing masks.