Immune System Workshop With Dr. B – Part 1

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In this talk we discuss…
There is a cure to all diseases. But does disease really exist? Cost of a disease.
Toxic and deficient lifestyles. Healthcare in America.
What is the immune system? How does it work? What causes the body to get sick?
Our gut flora. Healthy bacteria.
Glyphosate in the environment.
Making changes in our environment and personal life. Self-care.
The 3 stressors that we are exposed to. Pharmaceutical drugs and their unknown effects.
Samoans are nutrient deficient. Measles quackzene. The chemicals introduced to our environment since the 1960s.
The inflammatory response of the body is a healing process. Treatment vs cure.
Welfare Society. Health insurance.
Simple solutions for a healthy life. The stress in America today.
Inspiration and motivation vs education. Fear-based society.
Doing the stuff that’s against television. Finding similar people.