Dr. B Live #8 Replay – Oct 17, 2021



1. Do you take x-rays?
2. Do you get spinal listings off of the x-rays? (Some Doctors only take x-rays because they can bill for them.)
3. Is your goal to restore normal function or only symptom relief?
 (Most Doctors: MDs, DCs, and Physical Therapists treat only symptoms and that is NOT Corrective Care.)
4. Do you take post-x-rays to document the structural changes made? (This is the only way to show the correction.)
5. Are you familiar with repairing disc injuries? (This requires a high level of skill.)
6. Do you work with post spinal surgery patients? (This requires a high level of skill.)
7. Do you work with Pediatrics and the Elderly? (This requires very specific techniques.)

Bonus Questions:
1. Can you reverse Arthritis?
2. Do you do Nerve Scans?
3. Do you do Thermography?
4. Do you do dark field live blood cell analysis?

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In this talk we discuss…
Dr. B talks about Around Catalina Race, his avocado farm, and his life.
I started taking 2 forms of Vitamin C and went into an anaphylactic shock, couldn’t breathe, and so on. I’m suspecting I have histamine intolerance. I also have a hernia.
This started in 2003. I had an issue with my left testicle. I was diagnosed with Klinefelter’s syndrome and bilateral inguinal hernia. I had testosterone replacement therapy. I was abusing alcohol because of the pain but 8 years now without any drink.
What do you think about red light therapy for damaged nerves? I am exercise.
I bought myself a nebulizer just in case anything goes wrong with my lungs again. What would you suggest to use in it?
My wife went to a tomography. She found a lump on her left breast. The naturopathic doctor said my wife has an Epstein-Barr virus. Her hemoglobin results are low.
What causes macular degeneration and can it be reversed? I’ve got a lot of floaters too.
I’ve got an old injury in T1 and T2. You mentioned a kind of machine, some kind of frequency that would help it?
What causes neuropathy in my feet and toes?
My niece has adenocarcinoma which has now moved up into 8 or more tumors in her brain, she said “I am going to start a new pill to try and extend my life by 2 years. I am incurable, it’s at stage 4”. I suggested getting out in the morning sun, reply: ”I won’t be allowed in the sun when I start the new therapy. Chemo won’t work on the brain, Gamma knife surgery not guaranteed.” She’s about 55 years old.
Some time ago I started having tingling and numbness in the back part of my head. The chiropractor wasn’t able to resolve it. The tingling actually started to be present in my whole body I was dehydrated too. I managed to lessen the symptoms through therapies but I still feel some tingling and numbness in my body.
I recently had an Iridology reading and they implemented Amino Acids, Magnesium Flakes foot baths, castor oil packs. I did fine the first week. The second week my thyroid has been swelling (I have nodules/hyperthyroidism). I did use Epsom salt this week instead of the flakes. Could the amino acids be causing the swelling or could I have changed my water/mineral level in the body with the foot baths?
My friend has a cancer scab on his back. He’s interested in natural therapy and having you evaluate him. How much would it cost and how long would he have to wait in line?
I’ve had a burning in my face (lips, tongue) for like 7 years. I’ve done stuff about it but nothing’s helped. Shows up around noon and gets worse through the day. I’m visually impaired.
Can you say something more about chlorine dioxide?
I have hypothyroidism and I have too much calcium in my blood. At the same time, I have poor bone density. What should I do?
Hammertoes. I have one that’s developed, it’s really bad on my right foot. And other toes are developing. What can I do about it?
My cholesterol level is really high and my thyroid values are high too.
My mum has dry eyes. What could help with that?
I have at least 8 fibroids. I also had a lot of anxiety because of Konvid.
I never have appetite. I feel full all the time like bloated, with a lot gas. When I take digestive enzymes and activated charcoal, it gets better. My anal area has a lot of humidity. I don’t have an appendix. Can I take activated charcoal every day?
I have a sugar addiction. It’s some kind of emotional thing I believe. Any tips?
Do you have a kind of protocol for the Konvid quackzene detox?
My daughter has eczema-looking skin at the back of her neck. And it’s not going away.
My son-in-law can lose a job because of the injection. Can you say something more about it?
I have an ongoing problem in my groin and I can’t find a good corrective chiropractor in my area.
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