Dr. B Live #3 Replay – May 23, 2021


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In this talk we discuss…
Claudia’s story about turning her life from negative to positive through subconscious programming. Personal responsibility.
My husband is taking 13 medications. 4 specifically for high blood pressure. How can I get him off of them?
How to check the blood pressure correctly. Diaphragmatic breathing. The right blood pressure.
Weight gain and a lot of stress due to lockdowns. My blood pressure was sky high, now I’m on 7 days water fast and my blood pressure dropped down. What’s the mechanism that’s allowing this to happen?
I have been experiencing muscle weakness for 5 months. My blood levels are toxic. and my vitamin D levels are very high.
I had a very severe sarcoidosis event last year. I’m on some medications right now and I want to get off of them.
Vibration plate and bone density.
Blood-brain barrier test. Why is the blood-brain barrier there?
Mitigating the damage of cavitations, root canals, and mercury fillings
IV Chelation and Ozone Therapy. Oil pulling. Whole food vitamin C.
I’m struggling with brain fog at the moment. Any advice on this issue? I also have psoriasis.
My mum wants to stop her blood pressure medications. What is the real reason people say you can’t stop taking them?
Should anyone take the Konvid quackzene?
I developed hard bumps in the muscles of my knee. How can I treat them?
I’ve got an eye problem. My right tear duct is blocked. Cranial facial specialist.
Good chiropractors close to London.
I’ve been dealing with chronic Lyme for about 10 years now. The toughest symptoms right now are panic and fatigue. Corrective chiropractors in New Hampshire.
What are your thoughts on Lugol’s Iodine for hypothyroidism?
My mom has fibromyalgia and brain/neurological issues like depression, and problems with weight loss. She’s taking statins.
The cause of depression.
I have developed 2 cysts on my index finger. The bone structure on my finger has thickened.
I have a very low white blood cell count. What can I do?
Whenever I do the green juicing I get up to pee about 3 or 4 times at night and I have some kind of brain fog.
Mexico Clinic and Huntington Beach office.
The Four Agreements – a book by Don Miguel Ruiz
Body Balance by Life Force – Liquid Vitamin and Mineral Supplements
Earthing Products
Vitality C
Extreme Health Academy Members’ Only Podcast
Chiropractic Office in New Hampshire recommended by Bob (with Dr. B’s videos played in the waiting area)