Ask Dr. B – September 2021


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In this talk we discuss…
I am healing from Hashimoto’s and Borrelia, Babesia, & Mycoplasma. I found out about Hashimoto’s 7 years ago and found out I was resonating with Lyme and friends 6 months ago. My Bioresonance scan also revealed I was low in Vit A, B-12, Vit K, Vit C, Selenium, HCL, testosterone, and too HIGH in Iron. Curious what type of diet you think is best to stick to while I heal? I have been strongly considering the pro metabolic way of eating.
I have a question about what’s going on with my body- whenever I take MCT oil (taking Matt Blackburn’s with Vit E- just one pill) I get extremely nauseous and recently I experienced my worst reaction so far. Nausea to the point of gagging, feeling completely sick to my stomach, dizzy, and also my liver was hurting. It’s not just a little stomachache or nausea it’s full-blown I feel awful and my liver hurts which is what is the most concerning to me. Especially considering I thought MCT is supposed to support the liver.
why do I have this reaction to MCT oil? I similarly feel like crap after having any amount of caffeine. I’m not diabetic and eat pretty clean although I do eat carbs and sugar (not in large amounts).
Another interesting twist that I wonder if this plays into it. As I’m beginning to learn about ketones and gluconeogenesis, glycation, etc. I think there might be a connection between how my liver processes sugar/carbs and feeling sick? I had hyperemesis gravidarum in both of my pregnancies and felt very similar to how I feel after taking MCT oil. Could there be a link there or could I have liver flukes causing the pain? Or could it be liver disease after a childhood/early adulthood of supplementing iron and calcium, sometimes in high doses?
Trying to find out the cause of my sporadic liver pain, extreme nausea/liver pain when taking MCT oil, and also what to do about it.
For the past month, I have suffered from tingling and numbness in the upper left header area that at times spreads to my face. It started while sitting for a long period of time and sitting continues to be a trigger. To help resolve the issue I had 3 chiropractic adjustments – the first two helped but did not entirely resolve the issue, but the 3rd treatment started with an adjustment on my mid-back and something in my rib snapped. I am now suffering from rib pain on the right under the breast area (3 weeks of pain). I went to an orthopedic doctor and they took x-rays of my neck. I was told my neck muscles were tight and that I have compressed discs between 5 and 7, and arthritis in my discs. I had one physical therapy session and have others scheduled.
I want to find other ways to clean the waste products (creatinine) out of blood other than through kidneys.
Herbs, supplements, diet changes. All help and suggestions are welcome.
request for referral to a doctor(s) in the San Francisco bay area who you know has/have successfully treated groups 4 and 5 prostate cancer with alternative therapies.
This is the second time I have gotten diabetes induced by medicine. The first was Prednisone induced and took a while to get over. This time I got it from the beta-blocker, atenolol, and I am having a tough time getting over it. I have been doing intermediate fasting, supplementing, and doing a keto diet. What else do I need to do? forward head carriage
Every night I have lower leg and foot muscle spasms. Some quite painful…, some wake me up. I’m taking usually 500mg of magnesium a day. Today I took 1000 in the morning and 500 this evening hoping this will help. How much magnesium should I take a day to get rid of these spasms and is one type better than another?
I have suffered from chronic brain inflammation for almost 6 yrs. I’m 31 yrs old now and it started when I was 25 when I was exposed to toxic black mold for almost 2 yrs. I’ve tried multiple treatments with lots of practitioners and I haven’t really had any true progress. I find it incredibly difficult to function each and every day with my poor cognitive function, emf sensitivity, and Chemical sensitivity.
I’m having pain in specific spots on the right side of my head and in my right ear. like I can point to the exact spots, and my right eye hurts too. I also have an indention running along the center of my skull that didn’t use to be there. 1 week ago I had mercury fillings removed and 10 cavitations done, and extraction in TJ. The pains started 2 days later. The indention I had noticed a couple of months ago. I have a loss of curve, and other spine issues found in your HB office. I have had a leaky gut, Hashi’s, and a terrible lymph node problem for many years. I feel very bad. The pain doesn’t stop.
Patella Femoral Instability. My patella groove on my left knee looks a bit like this: ____/. Rather than: \___/. This means my kneecap is pretty much always subluxed. When I straighten my leg while standing or laying down, the patella is always off to the side. Twisting wrong or even rolling over while sleeping can fully dislocate it. This has been happening since I was a kid, aka 1 full decade. My knee surgeon wants to cut my tibia in half and rotate it to reduce my tibial torsion- NO THANK YOU. When I was in middle school I dislocated my kneecap severely and tore the medial patella ligament, but they merely reattached it back to the bone. Tensing my quadricep muscles causes my kneecap to sublux laterally, the direction in which it dislocates.
I don’t want to take any quackzene but I’m afraid it might be mandated for my job. (I’m a flight attendant). If I am forced, would the Johnson & Johnson quackzene be the best option because I could possibly detox before and after? I’d rather find a doctor who could give me an exemption and I am also open to the religious exemption as well.