Ask Dr. B October – November 2022


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In this talk we discuss…
What is the best material to use for a dental crown in terms of being the least toxic and least dangerous in terms of being an emf antenna? I guess gold crowns and any metal in your body is an antenna for EMFs.
I would like to know If natural organic cane sugar is okay for you? I’m cutting out sweet tea, but would still like to have it Occasionally. Do you recommend any sweeteners?
Bio Dental Care in Tijuana Mexico… is that where you go to have your dental care done? I heard you talking to a man from Arkansas on Facebook and I believe he said that’s where he went and you said you found them too by Google as well. My niece needs some work done and I don’t want to mislead her.
I just got Konvid positive, I am taking vitamin C, zinc, multivitamins, and a lot of vitamins. The issue is the mucus, I tried to do everything natural but the mucus and congestion won’t go away. I got cold sores all around my nose cause I’m wiping my nose all the time. Is DMSO good for these sores? What else can I take to recover fast?
Atrial fibrillation. How to control Afib without medication?
I am suffering from high cortisol levels. Last year, in the middle of 2021, I started taking a synthetic progesterone supplement from Professional Formulas. Since taking it for 6 months, I rapidly gained weight within that span of time using it. It has also disturbed my cycle; my period and ovulation are off/irregular. I have been increasingly gaining weight, even after I stopped using it almost a year ago, which was in December 2021. My body is turning into a blimp, particularly in my abdomen, and it is starting to affect my breathing negatively since I am now 46 pounds overweight.
Hemorrhoids. I am not overweight, not constipated, tried bonding, electrolysis, special electric insert. No pain but after standing or doing any work involving abdominal pressure (living a normal life) I can’t hold myself in. I am fit and strong and trying to do “Nigel’s” in my rear end. Has been going on for 9 years.
Hip osteoarthritis cartilage regeneration exercise. I have been diagnosed (2 years ago) with stage 4 hip osteoarthritis. I rejected surgery several times. I’m doing the weighted exercise for hip cartilage regeneration(that you have shown in the video) with 40 lbs ankle weights on my lower leg (I know you said 10 to 20 pounds) I started with 10 lbs and worked my way to 40 pounds. . Is that okay? I do both legs, 2 sets of 10 minutes on the arthritic hip and 10 minutes on the other. Any protocol that needs to be followed for successful hip cartilage regeneration?
What is your recommendation on how to taper off of anabolic steroids and then what would you do to get restoration of natural testosterone in a 58 yr old man? And of course, anything else you would like to add would be greatly appreciated, like long-term side effects from the usage, etc.
Will a hiatal hernia cause an asthma attack? I went into the hospital this week, and getting off the oxygen is being slow. What good ways to hurry the process and would a hiatal hernia be a part of it, just got a very beginning one that isn’t much of a problem.
Can some have too much blood? What amount of blood can be taken safely in what time frame?
My dad who is almost 70 has been diagnosed with golf elbow. He has a lot of pain and feels a lot of tension in the nerves when he pulls his hand back in a stretch. He’s not health minded. He’s overweight and has heart issues and is on all the conventional heart medicines. However, he’d like to be out of pain and avoid surgery. Do you have any thoughts on how to fix golf elbow?
I developed Haglund’s deformity as a teenager. I’m now 47. I have had severe pronation (ankles collapsing inward) since early childhood. I was given orthotics most of my childhood but got tired of wearing them in early adulthood. I have hammer toes on my 3rd-5th toes, which especially raise up when I lift my heel to take a step. So my footwear is limited because I get very sore toes from the rubbing when my toe joints come upward when taking steps. My knees also angle inward but I don’t have “x” legs because I can stand with my ankles touching without my knees being in the way. I can’t stand straight unless I’m conscious of it otherwise I have severe pronation.
Do you see improvement in people with facial tics via chiropractic? I have a family member who has had tongue and jaw movements since childhood and has not found any answers as to how to make them stop. He doesn’t do it nearly as much in public settings. It is not painful. An MRI showed no brain issues. It is quite constant in his home setting or when playing sports. He also has significant forward head posture, rounded shoulders, and kyphosis. Chiropractors so far as well as doctors have literally said “just accept it”.
I’ve been told I had complex cysts/masses on my ovaries, polyps, and, hypoplasia in the uterus. Cancer back in 2018. Age 53 years old now. Was not experiencing any pain. Refused a hysterectomy and removal of the ovaries. Ceased menstruation at age 35. Hormone tests revealed that I was not in early menopause. No doctors ever tried to find out the causes of any of this. Will you advise or shed some light?