Ask Dr. B October 2021

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In this talk we discuss…
CBP – Chiropractic Biophysics
what do you think of the advanced corrective chiropractic (CBP – Chiropractic Biophysics)?
I’m searching for a chiropractor. I’m suffering from rheumatoid arthritis.
Is it possible to detox (or reduce) from heavy metals with a titanium plate? Before I new better, I had C-spine surgery. I am now learning about heavy metals and the importance of the Vagus nerve. What, if anything, can I do to minimize the damage, strengthen the Vagal tone, and reduce heavy metals that result from this surgery. The surgery was 13 years ago.
Hi, I’m 41 years old and have lived a pretty healthy lifestyle most of my life. But for the last few years, I’ve been struggling with chronic cracked heels, really deep fissures which sometimes bleed. It’s really uncomfortable and I can’t seem to find the root cause. My first thought is diabetes, but I’m not overweight and don’t eat sugar for the most part. Been taking Mitolife’s Pufa protect vitamin E for about a year, but it hasn’t helped this issue.
Dr. B, my daughter was diagnosed with a pseudotumor and the symptoms are seemingly recurring. Please advise the steps I should take to help her. She was premature at birth (32 weeks) c-section, and yes was quackzenated during childhood.
Creatinine removal/kidney disease. Please inform on how to clear creatinine/waste products out of the blood. What is the main cause? My blood sugar and blood pressure are controlled much better now but I feel something else did missing to reverse the previous damage.
Legitimacy of VAERS Reportings. Is it or is it not a legitimate source of information related to quackzene injuries?
How do you use Boron for getting rid of nanoparticles that they’ve been spraying down on us and adding to our foods?
Improving oxygen levels for those concerned and considering hospital for treatment.
I am right w/ you all, deep into many a rabbit hole. And subscribe to Morley Robbins take on minerals in regard to magnesium, copper, and iron. Terrain theory makes sense. And I’ve looked into the work of Dr. Tom Cowan/Dr. Andrew Kaufman which leads me to believe we are expressing ‘covid symptoms’ bc we are detoxing environmental toxins like EMFs, geoengineering, iron overload, heavy metals/pesticides in our water, GMOs, etc. I am solid on ways to live to prevent having some sort of scary experience with those symptoms – but for the majority…>> When oxygen levels drop, is there a way to improve oxygenation? I feel confident I can provide some help to ppl but once their levels drop I’m w/o ideas. *Avoiding hospitals bc the ones here are not open to other treatments outside their current standard of care protocol.*
I have hard calcifications in my scrotum that won’t go away. I have been eating a plant-based diet for two years which has helped with penile function but I am looking for a solution to these masses. I came across your dissolve-it-all product while browsing through the Extreme Health Academy. Would this product be advised to treat/manage this abnormality?