Ask Dr. B – June 2021

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In this talk we discuss…
My friend may have a weak thyroid and she’s allergic to iodine.
Is this actually an allergic reaction when she consumes anything with iodine or is this a sign of her body being toxic/detoxing when consuming iodine? Is there anything she can do to no longer be allergic to iodine?
My left shoulder blade / upper back area pain has turned into tingling / numb-like pain. depending on how I lay down or sit forward, the pain is worse, and/or the tingling will radiate to my left pointer finger and left thumb. Laying on my back hurts the least, but in situations I can’t lay down (ex. plane, train), the tingling and pain keep me up. I had at least 60 adjustments at the clinic. Does anyone have suggestions of anything else I can do? I’m worried that my arm will go numb at some point.
I am 73 and just lately whenever I do things like if I use my arms more, then the next day I get this pain and it hurts quite a bit. What would be good to stop the pain or do I need to keep using it more so that I don’t get shape pains (like a cramp). I get it with any other part of my body I use. Should I be taking something for it?
My wife is waiting on knee surgery with physical therapy now 3 days a week for a few weeks and then 36 weeks afterward. Therapy is so very painful; she is thinking of canceling surgery. Are there any alternative therapies of any kind for the knee to replace the painful therapy exercises normally done or any treatments to complement and lessen the need for so much repetitive therapy?
2 weeks ago I suddenly started having a hard time breathing from my mouth. Oximeter says my oxygen level is ok. I’ve been going to The Joint Chiropractor for the past 3 years but they couldn’t resolve my breathing issue and I tried another chiropractor and that didn’t help either. I got my chest X-ray done front and back but I am not sure if that will help to find the issue I am having. I have been on an organic plant-based diet for years and I am not sure what’s the issue I have. I juice once a day. Also, I have had SVT Supraventricular tachycardia from a young age, and sometimes my heartbeat goes to 300 BPM. I also get mouth ulcers mostly on the tongue twice a month. Do you have any chiropractor suggestions in the Atlanta area that you would recommend and what kind of X-ray you would suggest so you can figure out my issue? What’s the temporary natural treatment if I am having trouble breathing?
Can you help me with a question? Why does the body have vaginal discharge?
About 8 years ago after my second childbirth, I had several veins on my legs that would cause extreme pain and they would bust open. After they removed veins, I didn’t have a problem until here recently. I’m a 37-year-old female. It seems to be on the second day of my menstrual cycle that the pressure gets so bad and the veins bust. Any advice or help to relieve the pain and the problem?
I have a “hammertoes” situation and they’re starting to cause pain in my feet at times. My left foot, the toe next to the pinky toe is starting to turn right, under the middle toe. What can I do to get them straightened out?