Ask Dr. B July 2022

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In this talk we discuss…
The base of thumb pain in both hands. Any idea how can I eliminate it? I’ve been on a plant-based diet since 2013.
My friend’s brother is having kidney failure and has been on dialysis and it’s zapping their life’s savings, please what alternative therapy would you recommend to help him heal?
Is there any new virus coming for the fall? I keep hearing Monkey Pox. How do you avoid it if it is next? What is your take on Dr. Ardis’s snake venom theory about Konvid?
What are the several reasons for having high blood pressure? I understand three stresses physical, chemical, and emotional are the main reason of having high blood pressure. Are there any other reasons why blood pressure can be high if so how can we deal with that?
Are back massages pointless if you receive chiropractic?
Can Diatomaceous earth help with thinning hair / balding? Is it bad to take it every day? Should I take it every other day? Do I need to take a probiotic when consuming diatomaceous earth?
I went from a Keto diet, gained a lot of weight, to a plant-based, Vegan, and I feel better now. What’s better for humans? Some people say that the plant-based is been promoted by the Agenda. Is the oatmeal good? I eat it raw and after 8 hrs left soaking in water. I wonder if it is going to make me gain weight.
I’ve been having food poisoning after eating airtight-packaged tamarind. It’s been lasting for 7 days now. How do I recover?
I had a stroke 15 months ago. I have been through 10 sessions in a hard shell hyperbaric oxygen chamber at 1.5 ata and 60%o 2 the last 3 months at a chiropractic neurologist’s office. Will a soft hyperbaric chamber that I can use at home every day work as good to heal my stroke issues at 1.3 ata? Can also get 1.4 ata with 95% 02 delivered facemask.
Could iodine interfere with other supplements? Should I wait an hour (or so) to take iodine if I just consumed Bergman’s Vitamin C blend?
Do you have any recommendations to avoid and cure cold sores?
Is there a natural solution for asymmetrical crying faces in toddlers? What causes this?
What are the causes of uveitis and how to cure it?
If I work at the front desk at the clinic that offers X-Rays. Is EMF exposure a concern?
What is the best way to correct a deviated septum naturally? Usually, I am mostly able to breathe out of one nostril, and very little airflow in/out of the other nostril. By Eugene JRL
If I currently have 4 silver amalgam fillings is it a bad idea to use infrared saunas? Can raising my body temperature increase the Mercury vapors coming out of my fillings?
Is there a best way to heal burn scars?
Any thoughts on the causes of sleep apnea? Can it be corrected naturally? Are CPAP machines safe to use?
Is it true that if you do not treat sleep apnea, it can cause brain damage? If so, how can you recover from brain damage?