Ask Dr. B – January 2022

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In this talk we discuss…
There is so much conflicting data with respect to the carnivore and plant-based diets and hybrids of the two. I’ve researched and read many publications and articles on both that support vehemently their respective benefits. For meat lovers, there are ample evidence oxalates induce cell dysfunction. Here is just but on reference.
Without getting into the weeds of each, I have one main question for now: Is there any validity to the insecticidal of plants, like oxalates, which are defense mechanisms that can be toxic to the human body, and how do you reconcile that with what is equivalent evidence demonstrating the positive impact of a carnivore diet?
Also, here is another article that suggests eliminating fiber reduces constipation and associated symptoms.
How can I help my granddaughter with her type 1 diabetes, she wants to be normal?
My hands do not have arthritis in them but have bumps on some joints. All the joints can actually move, but I cannot make a fist. Could these be calcium deposits? Some of the bumps are very sore when you press on them but most are not. It just started with one of my baby finger going straight when I made a fist. But then other fingers on both hands started to get stiffer. Starting with the baby finger.
Detox Greens Powder, Alkalize/Acidity. How can I know if I am too alkaline or too acidic? I currently take this product – Detox Organics Daily Superfoods Chocolate Detox Shake “Energizing plant-based nutrition that alkalizes, detoxifies & rejuvenates”. Do you know of any negative health side effects that might occur from taking a product like this long-term?
I currently/have a history of nighttime teeth grinding. I use a product called M3 Naturals Mouth guard for grinding and clenching teeth, “BPA Free”. It is made of (>99%) Ethylene copolymer/Silicone and (<0.3%) Vinyl acetate. How dangerous is Vinyl Acetate? Can it be detoxed from the body? How can one be cured of teeth grinding/bruxism? Also, what are the best ways to detoxify the body from plastics, phthalates, pesticides, PCBs, and forever chemicals like PFOAS? Will a far infrared sauna remove these materials from the body? I think I may now have cancer in my mouth. I have black lumps/lumps underneath my tongue and a large white patch on my tongue. I also have mercury amalgam fillings. I may have developed cancer from using nighttime mouthguards and having mercury fillings and other causes. Could you please advise on what I should do other than get my silver fillings removed? I might get the silver fillings removed at a holistic dentist or whatever in like a month or two. I've also had other bumps/lumps in my mouth and material that looks like white slimy dead skin cells inside the walls of my mouth. Certain bumps/lumps seem to get smaller maybe after I detoxify in the sauna. I don't sleep at night for the joint pain. I continue to go to the chiropractor every other week. The only time I get to sleep is when I take an Advil. I know the dangers but also need sleep from time to time. I don't know what to do. The doctors want to put in a new hip. What modalities do you recommend one use when dealing with chronic pain from an existing issue while making systemic changes to resolve that issue? It's an ongoing mild/dull pain in the colon area. I've completely ditched eating most keto/paleo foods that were largely processed. Following some of this protocol from Dr. Tim O'Shea DC.