Ask Dr. B – December 2021

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In this talk we discuss…
What most likely can be the cause of Infant Death during nap time? Epidural vaginal birth, no vaccines, but doctors talked into Zinc vaccine. Doctors gave 10 out of 10 health rates for babies in the hospital. Breastfed from day 1. Few rashes at 2 months.Took to check the baby’s neck as she wouldn’t be so strong on her neck exercises and lean more to the right side than the left. The doctor said the neck was fine. Did hair analysis of the baby at 4 months to discover Zinc, Na, V, deficiencies, and Mercury higher than should be. A few days after the test was received she died in her nap sleep.
What would be the best Mercury detoxing programs you would recommend for adults along with clay, MSM, and organic cilantro/celery? And for babies?
Can these mineral deficiencies be a sign of health issues? Liver? Kidneys?
Can a weaker neck be the sign of some birth trauma that the doctor didn’t see?
I went through all of the Roadmap videos. All great advice. I am a little puzzled by one recommendation. I’m a believer in the lymphatic system being our sewer system that filters through our kidneys, via Dr. Robert Morse, ND. I’ve studied this in detail and it makes so much sense. So, in this process, if we are filtering properly, we will see waste sediment in our urine. Wouldn’t placing this back into our system negate the removal of this waste?
I was diagnosed with mild scoliosis in the past and although it has gotten better with time/over the years, I still might have some mild scoliosis in my spine. If I still have some mild scoliosis, can it be corrected by taking nutrition like Vitamin K2 and Ancestral Supplements Grass Fed Bone and Marrow?
My wife felt a lump in her right breast.
What is the best way to handle this without getting into the cut/burn/poison?
Can you tell me about DMSO? I understand it helps to heal and eliminate pain. Is that true?
I’ve heard how beneficial grounding is but Barbara Frank was recently on Justin’s podcast and warned that we absorb harmful parasites when we walk barefoot? Also, any suggestions for menstrual cramps? Hot packs, essential oils, etc. don’t work. The only thing that dulls the pain is unfortunately ibuprofen/Tylenol.
When I straighten my leg when standing or laying down, my left patella subluxes to the left.
Can’t walk without fear of dislocation. Twisting wrong or even rolling over while sleeping can fully dislocate it.
My knee surgeon wants to cut my tibia in half and rotate it to reduce my tibial torsion- NO THANK YOU.
Tensing my quadricep muscles causes my kneecap to sublux laterally, the direction in which it dislocates.
The physio said I have extreme wasting on my left glute, hamstrings, and quadriceps, along with being very weak.
My balance is entirely off and I have a pelvic list, causing trunk listing and neck issues due to compensation to protect the knee.
I have an internal rotation of the femur and external of the foot