Ask Dr. B – August 2021



1. Do you take x-rays?
2. Do you get spinal listings off of the x-rays? (Some Doctors only take x-rays because they can bill for them.)
3. Is your goal to restore normal function or only symptom relief?
 (Most Doctors: MDs, DCs, and Physical Therapists treat only symptoms and that is NOT Corrective Care.)
4. Do you take post-x-rays to document the structural changes made? (This is the only way to show the correction.)
5. Are you familiar with repairing disc injuries? (This requires a high level of skill.)
6. Do you work with post spinal surgery patients? (This requires a high level of skill.)
7. Do you work with Pediatrics and the Elderly? (This requires very specific techniques.)

Bonus Questions:
1. Can you reverse Arthritis?
2. Do you do Nerve Scans?
3. Do you do Thermography?
4. Do you do dark field live blood cell analysis?

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In this talk we discuss…
Dr. B, you advised me to stabilize the pelvis and showed us the exercise for it. Could you give the anatomical or neurological details about pelvic stabilization?
Parasite infection which also caused candida. I made 3 attempts to get rid of it using 3 different medications. After the third treatment, I got severe facial acne which I never had before. The doctor also said I have symptoms of dysplasia.
Are there any recommended chiropractors in Greece or close to Greece?
This inquiry is for a female relative. She had a car accident 20 years ago. In 2016 she had a tumor removed from her spine. She recovered. Today she’s experiencing low back pain & right leg issues. The dr. wants to inject the spine with drugs. Would Dr. Bergman D.C. be a good reference for her to make some difficult health decisions?
She is in her mid 50’s, professional, very healthy, loves dancing. No weight problems. No meds. She had a bad car wreck in the 90’s and recovered. In 2016 she had a tumor removed from her spine, L5 region. They shaved her spine to access the tumor. She recovered. Today she is experiencing lower back pain and right leg issues. The doctors want to inject the spine with drugs and want to put a nerve block to stop the pain. They cannot find the source of the pain.
My friend has a dry red patch on her cheek. She went to a dermatologist and they gave her Triamcinolone cream 1% but it doesn’t help. So I put on Aquaphor, then she tried castor oil. But still didn’t help. She changed make up and got new clean brushes and pads. What questions do i need to ask her?
my girlfriend and I were diagnosed with trichomoniasis. I treated it on the first attempt. The infection causes candidiasis with all its annoying symptoms, e.g. itching, swelling. She already made three attempts.
Trichopol (Metronidazole) and Gynomax, also few medications to manage related symptoms: Fluconazole, Gynoflor
Secnidox (Secnidazole), Macmirror (Nifuratel and Nystatin), and for symptoms Serrata (Serratiopeptidase)
Atrican (Tenonitrozole), Tamisol (Tamsulosin hydrochloride), Pyrogenal (Pyrogenalum) shots, Tamisol (Tamsulosin), and ACES – Zn vitamins. Seems like something after the third treatment attempt caused severe facial acne, while she had never had it before.
The doctor said that there are some symptoms of dysplasia.