Ask Dr. B – April 2021


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I have a friend who’s 85 and the doctor told him that he looks like he has some blood clots in his head. He was also told he had some swelling on one side. They also gave him blood thinners. Is there something that could be done without medication?
Can you heal an inguinal hernia without surgery! Looking for some natural or holistic ways to handle this.
I took your advice and went to the doctor to get my left testicle checked. It was found to be a hydrocele. They say the only way to get rid of that is through surgery. Is this true? Also, I had my first experience of vertigo while laying down on my bed. However, when I sat up and stood up, it went away. I don’t know how that happened but I’m feeling better now. Finally, I’m noticing red spots (not bumps) appearing on my inner forearms and the palms of my hands and a mild general feeling of unwellness. I also experience occasional hip pain. Any ideas on what is happening here and what I should do?
Can you self-correct C1 and C2 if struggling to get to a corrective chiropractor? Are there any techniques or tips?
My mom (65 now):
– When she was 38 she got a big red spot on her neck after painting her hair, she got hospitalized, and in those time (post-communist Romania) nurses were giving a lot of sleeping pills to patients to make sure they won’t be interrupted during the night or something like I’ve heard, then in 2 weeks she was sent home but she could not sleep anymore, and started to develop hallucinations and was diagnosed with Schizophrenia. She was going through the most stressful/painful time in her life (lost her mom, divorce, my father took my brother away with him which was hard for her as he was very little, etc). I don’t remember what meds she was on at the beginning, but 10 years ago she was moved on Seroquel, also taking Xanax when stressed/cannot sleep. She did not take the medicine well for a few days once and then she started to have hallucinations. But when she takes the med she feels like a100% normal person. Is it too late to revert this? I can totally believe that anyone going through what she went, not eating properly either, could get those symptoms. Can deficiencies/stress/depression/lack of sleep trigger permanent hallucinations? Without the medicine, she’s having hallucinations even if she can sleep well at night now, even if sometimes she takes Xanax for that when she feels a bit of anxiety or is upset/stressed, etc.
– Has also moderate varicose veins, she does not exercise much at all, other than walking to shops. Her mom used to have this too.
– Has receding gums. She smokes for many years and likes to eat a lot of sweets, milk (even if she says that she is a bit lactose intolerant), lots of bread, etc. So when she went to dentists with puss under teeth, their recommendation was to take the teeth out, as if we grow another pair of teeth every year. Is there really no treatment for teeth with puss? Will her gums continue to retract given that at the moment she has no more natural teeth (actually I just clarified this with her and she said that the dentist advised her to take out also her last teeth, the canine teeth because the root is too fragile and they may break with time and will be harder to remove the root as it will all shred)? She uses false teeth & some special glue to keep her false teeth in her mouth for 8/10h (both up and down parts of her mouth), then the glue fades away and she keeps the fake teeth in a jar overnight. Are root canals good?
– She also has osteoporosis, had a few times heel spurs, has beginning of cataracts, and has gallbladder stones (sometimes they upset her, but she does not want to have an operation)
Are Schizophrenia and receding gums passed on genetically? Is it normal for the gums to retract in time? How to heal teeth with puss?
My brother-in-law (71-years-old) wants to get off his prescription medication which is Atenolol 25 mg. He had a stent put in back in 2006. His doctor keeps telling him that he will have to be on it for the rest of his life. If he can get off it how should it be done?
What causes veins to bulge on the lower arm extremity? My loved one has bulging veins on her lower arms. She is in her 30’s.
I broke my patella, after 5 weeks of healing, slipped and broke it worse, requiring surgery. I’ve now been inactive for almost 7 weeks and have 6 more weeks of inactivity and a straight leg. What is best to eat or the best supplements to take to keep my body functioning, (vascular, muscular) and to keep muscle mass.
I am very concerned about the enlarged right internal jugular vein, and then about my right fingers not having always the same color as my left ones. I also have a swollen tongue and bloated abdomen, cyst in my armpit. I am concerned that a blood clot could be created by the enlarged right internal jugular vein in time. I had some heavy metal poisoning. Is it ok if I get pregnant?
My partner (31 now) has constant phlegm + otitis (water in the ear), sinus issues, heart pulsations in his ear, sleep problems, sleep paralysis, urination problems, dark circles under his eyes, breath smelling like vinegar, bump on the base of his neck, scoliosis in childhood. He gets super exhausted immediately after he ejaculates. What can he do to be fully healthy?
Little bumps on joints. You answered my question a few years ago about my hands not making a fist and my little finger straightening when making a fist. You said getting chiro to check at the side of my eyes something to do with cross-brain. And if I got a chiro who does extremities I would get better fast. My chiro couldn’t see anything in my eyes and he doesn’t do extremities. So now more of my fingers are going straight. And getting lots of bumps on joints and bones. My hands were checked and no arthritis in them. Could it be calcium deposits?
What could cause the gallbladder wall to thicken? The bile duct is normal but there is evidence of pericholecystic fluid, no evidence of cholelithiasis. Also, I have high bilirubin levels, mild fatty liver, a mass, lesion on my right kidney, mild echogenicity of right kidney, indicating, renal disease. I had some issues with tooth decay. Wondering if it has any connection to this.
My father-in-law has a brain tumor (Meningioma). We have discovered a company called Mitolytix. They use a catalyst made of entirely natural ingredients to target tumors and essentially create a hydrogen peroxide burst on contact. Have you heard of these guys, they are headed up Dr. David Smith?
Is there a connection between allergies and hypothyroid? I feel like clearing my throat often due to thick mucus even though nasal passages are clear. And inside of my right ear feels tingly due to mucus drainage at night. How can I get rid of these allergy symptoms while I am on the path to recovery from hypothyroidism?
My daughter 29 fell down some stairs 9 months ago, they told her she sprained the muscles around her tailbone. X-ray showed nothing was broken. She does okay with walking and working out but she can’t sit or take long car drives over 15 minutes, or travel by plane. She has been to a chiropractor a lot and is not better.